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How to Protect Pets in Winter

How to Protect Pets in Winter
Follow these tips to ensure the safety and comfort of animals in the cold.
In many areas in Switzerland, winter means freezing cold and unbearable humidity. Make sure your four-legged family members stay safe and warm by following these tips.

Keep your pets sheltered, keep your pets indoors with you and your family. Pet cats should not be left outside under any circumstances, even if they go out during other seasons. Dogs are happiest when they frequently go out for walks and exercise but stay indoors the rest of the time. Do not leave your pets outside when the temperature drops.

Eliminate common poisons, antifreeze is a deadly poison, but it has a sweet taste that can attract animals and children. Immediately wipe up any antifreeze spills and keep it, like all household chemicals, out of reach. Coolants and antifreezes based on propylene glycol are less toxic to pets, wildlife, and the family.

Dogs are particularly at risk of salt poisoning in winter, due to the rock salt used in many areas, often when they lick it off their paws after a walk.

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